Back to School Mini Sessions

Contact Jan to book your session

Session Fee

$35+hst for 1 child

$55+hst for 2 children

$75+hst for 3 + children

Digital Images – $30+hst each
All Digital Images
$175+hst 1 child
$225+hst 2 children
$275+hst 3 children

* galleries of approx. 10 images/child

Please call 613 870 2334 if symptoms arise before your session for ANYONE in your household or ANYONE you have close contact with, even if they are not coming to the session and you will be refunded.  Please help to keep out community safe and healthy!!
You may not book a session if any of the following applies to anyone entering the studio:
1. You have travelled outside of the country within the past 2 weeks
2. You have tested positive for COVID-19 or come into close contact with someone who has Covid-19 and you weren’t wearing appropriate PPE.
3. You have a fever, or if anyone in your household has any cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms.
*If you have any signs of illness, even mild, please stay home and reschedule your appointment.
*You will be required to sanitize your hands on arrival and exiting and everyone entering the studio will be required to wear a mask. Once you are ready to be photographed, you will be able to take off masks.
*Please keep in mind that at this time, the bathroom facility is reserved for emergencies only.